Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 4/3/2011

This is my first time doing the scavenger hunt, but I thought I'd give it a try. 

1.High Key
F loves to brush his teeth.

2. Bedroom
For spring break, we went away for a weekend. The kids were thrilled to stay in a hotel room together. A was literally jumping on the bed with excitement.
3. Something Tiny
Spinach seeds ready to go into the garden.

4. Off in the Distance
See the sun in the distance? Puget Sound from Everett, WA.
5. Stripes
An old window at the Aquarium today.


  1. I'm a first timer, too! I love your distance shot, and the stripes are very thought provoking.

  2. Off in the distance is amazing. Your high key pic makes me smile. I love his little face!

  3. Great your off in the distance and high key is great!

  4. The children are adorable, but my favorite shots are Off in the Distance and Stripes. I love reflection shots and one of my loves is architectural photography. That window are great. :)

  5. Oh, I love "Off in the distance" and "stripes" -very, very nice contrast!

  6. Your distance shot made me "Ohhhh" out loud! So pretty!

  7. Your Off in the Distance is so great. Love how peaceful it looks.
